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Weston A. Price Foundation Logo

Weston A. Price Foundation Logo

The Weston A. Price Foundation

Dr. Weston A. Price (1870-1948) was a dentist in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Price wanted to research the causes for dental decay and physical degeneration in his patients. He traveled to isolated “primitive” villages in many countries throughout the world. The people in these countries were thriving and had beautiful straight teeth without decay and were in the best of health. His research revealed that these people had traditional diets, free of processed food, and many of their diets consisted of animal foods such as organ meats, fish, butter, and fermented dairy. When he tested their foods, he discovered that their foods provided much more calcium and minerals and at least 10 times the fat soluble vitamins A, D, and K. These people were in excellent robust health, free of degenerative diseases that are so prevalent in Western civilization due to consumption of  sugar, white flour, pasteurized milk and fast “foods” which are all very detrimental to physical and mental health.

The Weston A. Price Foundation focuses on traditional diets with nutrient dense foods, foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, and  fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, and K. WAPF connects consumers to local farms who carry this high quality food. Hails Family Farm is a member of the WAPF and can provide you with pastured organic chicken, eggs from laying hens on pasture, grass-based beef, and non-GMO pork along with organic vegetables, fermented vegetables, and soon, organic raw dairy products!

You can also get these fine products delivered to your door from our farm with our home delivery service!  



The GAPS Diet

What is the GAPS diet? GAPS stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome and Gut and Physiology Syndrome. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride is a neurosurgeon & neurologist who was trained medically in Russia. After several years in the medical field, she and her family moved to the UK where she began intensive research into the causes of autism and treatment for autism after her son was diagnosed as autistic. She obtained a second degree in Human Nutrition in the UK.

Dr. Natasha has written many books. Her first book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, discusses the connection between a patient's physical condition and brain function. Her 4th book, Gut and Physiology Syndrome discusses the connection between the gut and autoimmune diseases, hormonal problems, gut problems, arthritis, allergies, and much more.    

The health of your gut flora is believed to have an immense effect on health and disease. Your gut is simply your digestive tract and includes 10 organs.  The GAPS diet focuses on improving your gut microbiome to help heal your gut, reduce inflammation and so much more. Your gut affects every organ in your body. Due to industrialized food coming from factory farms who use glyphosphate, overuse of antibiotics, prescription drugs, NSAIDS, environmental toxins and more, we are not a healthy society. But there is a way to not only eat healthy but actually feel and be healthy!

Please check out the websites below for more info. We would also be happy to talk with you about the GAPS diet. At this point, we are not coaches but would love to encourage you in your journey to good health by providing many of the foods that are on the GAPS protocol.





"The future is in small mixed organic farms, the way it used to be."

— Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride